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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

down the dark alley

Lights flicker
Drizzling rain remains steady
Eyes burning from fatigue
It looks like he's ready
For the hijack
Assault or kidnap
I need money and you look like the 1st of the month
Dark thoughta revolving around what I want
Whoever, whenever, whatever I want
Look at this chump
The pump will probably take a whole piece
Leave a chunk
Put him in the bag and toss him in the trunk
Or put a blanket on him
A long sleep in the bed of the truck
I'm salivating at the thought of this sitting duck
Wait until it gets real when I run up
Hands up or lay down
Don't comply as your reply I suggest you duck
Close combat could result in you getting cut
I need your money, wallet, and your cell
Lastly I need your life
See you in hell...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

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