
First off THANK YOU for taking the time out to check out my blog. There should be something for everyone so find what fits then wear it around proudly.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

gutter dreams

Bills piling up
Need this money quick
Down to my last
Can't afford to even get sick
Another day away from work
Shit stresses me out
Gotta fill my tank
And put food in my mouth
Sister needs some money
How am I gonna work this out?
Because if her rent ain't paid
She's gonna get kicked out
Cellphone next week
Sallie Mae like everyday
Harassing my family
Even after they get paid
Lawyer fees
On top of legal fines
I'm so close to losing my mind
Got me thinking about buying that 9
And making someone's check mine
I'm on that red line
Close to the damn edge
I'm tired of living this ife
I gotta do anything for this bread...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

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