
First off THANK YOU for taking the time out to check out my blog. There should be something for everyone so find what fits then wear it around proudly.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


That chest compression when you're running out of breath

That push of encouragement when you have nothing left
Knowing that you can do it when you're unsure of you're best

Helping you build yourself up with whatever is left,
 Trust me.

Unsure of an emotion I'm the one you can speak to
Not sure of how to approach a situation, I'm the one who will teach you
The times that you are stubborn are usually the times I reach you,

I must be.

The one you run to when the world seems to crumble

Up on your high horse, come here when you need to be humbled

That pick-me-up when life causes you to stumble

That machete in your hand while you walk through the jungle,

It is me.

Nothing but love when you're looking up above

Eyes closed feeling the rays of the sun

Warming you as these thoughts do just the same

And every time you complain

That's okay

Because at night I know I'm on your mind

No thank you is needed

Because I already know what you wanna say.

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