
First off THANK YOU for taking the time out to check out my blog. There should be something for everyone so find what fits then wear it around proudly.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2:45 AM

Am I there yet
Do I care yet
Am I scared yet
Do I appreciate your stares?
Off of my list of nonsense
The only way I could possibly top this
Would be if I were to have some kinda force come and  stop this
Then I die and come back alive
Then describe how the afterlife is
So I guess I gotta try this
New approach to life where I do the least
In preparation for me to do the most
In the hopes the number of haters I have increase
A caged animal has been sleeping silently
Who wants the beast?
Mean streets burned up the insides of me
For years man I tried to be
A good person
Like the good side has been hiding the bad side of me
I try to see
The good in everything
And all that brings is assholes who really don't care to see
Nothing other than their own reality
This feels like a trial to me
And I'm representing myself in court
Trying to hold on to the good while I'm flying off course
I feel I don't really have a choice nor a voice
At least with the tone that I'm using
Looking at my life right now wondering what am I doing
Being too nice to the night
You know what screw it...

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