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Thursday, March 3, 2011

crumbled cookies

A blind man reaches for what his eyes can't see
The deaf man feels for what his ears can't hear
The tall man reaches where the short man can't
and a living man spews a dead man's rant.
The man with no legs climbs up limb after limb
As the man with no arms runs after him
The man with no brain makes foolish remarks
Yet remains sympathetic for the man with no heart.
He feels no pain yet knows of no love
As pale as a ghost as his body lacks blood
Dieing for belonging, something with meaning
He knows something's missing, though he lacks feeling.
He wishs he were blind, short with no arms
No legs for him to use and his hearing all gone
Short with no brain, for all of those he'd be willing
To at least have a heart
So he could feel this terrible feeling.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

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