
First off THANK YOU for taking the time out to check out my blog. There should be something for everyone so find what fits then wear it around proudly.

Monday, December 13, 2010

K33p Going

Called gorgeous is forcing my mind
To believe these lies from the opposite sex
Tug of war where I'm the flag in the middle of the rope
Not realizing that I'm the one who's giving my sister hope
That love isn't a joke; it can happen
But I contradict my words with my actions
I'm acting like I'm not falling now
Falling out after watching the tears from my sister's eyes falling down
Round after round she fights
Trying to find a combination just right that'll unlock her heart
And I'm supposed to show her how it starts
But I've managed to damage the bridge that put my dick and heart a part
Because lust isn't love
Loving someone for who they are is the greatest form lust
We all lack trust
Because no one wants to be hurt
But it's when you believe that it can't get any worse that you dive in
Lost now so you gotta try again
Don't let lost lust be the reason you don't try for love again...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

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