
First off THANK YOU for taking the time out to check out my blog. There should be something for everyone so find what fits then wear it around proudly.

Friday, February 25, 2011

"The Flu"

To the sickness I loathe, can't stand, and despise
That has kept me from sleeping, for three of these nights
That has made my muscles ache
Almost in tears
I haven't felt this sick from you
In so many years
I can't stop coughing, sneezing, or fussing
I just keep on taking pills, cough drops, and some cussing.
I feel like you're on your exit
But you don't wanna leave
So imma keep taking these meds
Until you get the hell away from me.
My nose won't stop running
As I continue to sneeze
Hoping that every blown nose
Is the last blow for what just won't leave...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

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