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Friday, February 18, 2011

the ref

I should apologize for these thoughts I've thought
Wondering if you're achievements are really just fluff
Softened by celebrity named pillows
Vacation spots and egos
Ideas soaring like eagles
Lost in your life wondering if we're even equals...
But oh so close we are, you and I
The man you hope for for me died
You talk to me as if he were I or vice versa better yet
Lost all kinds of connection and respect to him
Upset about your neglect from him
You push me away because you won't let him in
You settle for moral victories because life taught you "forget the win"
So many foul moment but you see only the ref in him
I had to talk DOWN to my dad before I could let him in
He had to be diagnosed with Cancer before my heart could get to him
I know you've lost in the past with men
But with this one bet
But this time, bet to win.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

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