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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Poker Chips

Pull your pants up
The tide is soon to go in
Poker face on
Still I'm going all in
Because the hand I was dealt bro
Will stick to you like some damn velcro
You can't shake it, can't take it
Authentic, can't fake it
No way for you to bake it
And it's mine all mine, no way you can take it
Can't escape it
You already put your chips in
Better hope the turn becomes your bestfriend
Bet more and you'll lose more
I'll use your chips on the strip
To a homeless man who's in desperate need of a savior
I'm not Jesus
But if I was you'd be praying to me for a King
I know you need this
But I don't see this
Being the card floating down the river
The chips I put in I need back
1/16 of an Native American giver
Take this loss to your liver
Shake and quiver
Cold I am
I'm Mr. Winter
Eating off your plate so thank you for dinner
I am a winner
But I am not perfect
Because I am a sinner
I balance that by being a giver
Give her
My poker face is more of a mask like Jason
Here comes the river card, no waiting
You thought it was a King
Nope a Joker
Sadly mistaken.

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