
First off THANK YOU for taking the time out to check out my blog. There should be something for everyone so find what fits then wear it around proudly.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Short Breaths

Missing those times
Dorm room memory
Crack House enemy
Stubborn mentality
What are you trying to get out of me?
Mutual tears
Disclosed fears
Open hearts
Closed ears
Ajar minds
What are you trying to find?
Blunts and booze
Movies of many genres
So much food
Face to face meetings with your vagina
Scattered thoughts
Unclear motives
Malicious objectives
Playing detective
You were supposed to be my protection!!
There when he was lost
Paying for love
At such a cheap cost
Lost in the serious
At times completely oblivious to the matter.
Puzzle pieces that won't fit
In and out of the same shit
Lack of confidence
Trust wasn't always it
Communication lacking
I sent you packing
But not because I asked but because you ran out of gas.
I hope that I'm not your last
But at times
I feel like I was your first
At you finding love for what it's worth
Left as two spirits
Just roaming Mother Earth.

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